联系电话 0731-88822454

2021 Hunan University International Academic Symposium on Blended learning in Higher Education

发布日期:2021年11月01日  点击量:

The 2021 Hunan University International Academic Symposium on Blended learning in Higher Education cordially invite academic scientists, researchers, professors, instructors, administrators, and technology experts to present the latest research and new ideas in blended learning, as well as exchange and share their experiences on using technology in advancing the practices of teaching and learning in higher education. This symposium also offers interdisciplinary platform for teachers, researchers, students, and practitioners from all disciplines (natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, life sciences and medical sciences) to present and discuss the most recent trends, concerns, innovations, challenges, and solutions in practicing blended learning in higher education. It would like to invite contributions from across the globe, from different educational sectors and a broad variety of industries.

        Distinguished participants:

2021 Hunan University International Symposium on Blended Learning in Higher Education Invitation: Please click the link below to register your personal information. Participants who have completed the registration can join the conference on zoom. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMoc-uvrjovGNdoNgv3ylpi52wh2amrSYSP

Registered users can search below the conference number, enter the password, ZOOM platform will verify your email and SMS verification code, the correct input verification code can enter the conference smoothly

Meeting ID: 875 4270 1523

Passcode: 260804

Please see the attachment for the conference manual  会议手册conference manual.pdf

  Conference Schedule:

2021 11 5 November 5, 2021

北京时间 Beijing Time

事宜 Event

联系人 Contact person



在线注册/系统检查online registration/ system checking


杨美佳 Yang Meijia 15937886935

金宁 Jin Ning 13043393256

2021 11 6 日上 November 6, 2021 Morning

Opening ceremony

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言人 Speaker

主持人 Session Host

9:00 -9:25



伟德国际1949始于英国院长Xie ChiVice President of Hunan University

Dean of Research Institute of Education

Science, Hunan University

阳 征 伟德国际1949官方网站Yang Zheng

Hunan University

9:25 -9:30

线截屏合影 Online group photo

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持:全, 湖南 Session Host: Quan Wei, Hunan University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

9:30 -10:00

基于 CIPP 模型的在线教学评价指标体系研究 (刘宝存,黄秦辉)

Research on the construction of online teaching

evaluation index based on CIPP model


Liu Baocun

Beijing Normal University

10:00 -10:30


Flipped Classroom Teaching Mode: Variation and Unity


Guo Jianpeng Xiamen University

10:30 -10:40

休息十分钟 Ten minutes break

2021 11 6 日上 November 6, 2021 Morning

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持:金, 湖南 Session Host: Jin Ning , Hunan University

10:40 -11:00


Research on Collective Attention in Online Learning

张婧婧, 北京师范大学

Zhang Jingjing Beijing Normal University

11:00 -11:20


Inspiration of business and technological development on online education in the post-

epidemic era

岳晓光, 塞浦路斯欧洲大学

Yue Xiaoguang

European University of Cyprus

主持:文建,  广西师范大学 Session Host: Wen Jianzhang, Guangxi Normal University

11:20 -11:40

MOOC 研究现状与发展趋势

MOOC Research Status and Development Trend

傅冠华, 伟德国际1949官方网站

Fu Guanhua, Hunan University



硕士研究生在线学习表现的质性分析Qualitative analysis of graduates’ online learning performance from the person-environment fit


王雅晶, 南京大学Wang Yajing Nanjing University


午休 Lunch Break

2021 11 6 日下 November 6, 2021 Afternoon

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持: Frank Okai Larbi,华南师大学 Session Host: Frank Okai Larbi, South China Normal University, China

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

14:00 -14:30


There is a tide in the affairs of Man…

David A. Turner,北京师范大学

Beijing Normal University

14:30 -14:50

Covid-19 和在线学习:英国国际学生的经历

Covid-19 and online Learning: Experiences of

International Students in the UK

Samson M. Tsegay


Anglia Ruskin University, UK.

14:50 -15:10



Syed Nitas Iftekhar

北京师范大学, KCM,北京

Towards improving tech and its literacy amongst

teachers for better blended pedagogies in post -

Beijing Normal University. KCM,


covid era

15:10 -15:20

休息十分钟 Ten minutes break

主持人: Samson M. Tsegay,英国安格利亚鲁斯金大学。Session Host: Samson M. Tsegay, Anglia Ruskin University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

15:20 -15:40

阿拉玛伊克巴尔开放大学 (AIOU) 的学习数字技


Muhammad Abid Malik


Digital Technologies for Learning at Allama Iqbal

Iqra University, Pakistan

Open University (AIOU): Investigating Needs and


15:40 -16:00

职前教师准备中 ICT 技能的整合:导师的认知与


Ayubu Ismail Ngao


Integration of ICT Skills During Preservice Teachers

Preparation: Tutors’ Perceptions and Practice

Beijing Normal University

16:00 -16:20

COVID-19 期间,情商如何影响混合学习环境


Javed Iqbal

广州大学, 巴基斯坦教育大学

Guangzhou University, China. University of Education, Pakistan

How Emotional Intelligence Influences Study Habits

among Students in Blended Learning Environments

during COVID-19: The Mediating Role of Cognitive


6 日会议未完续后表

Continued page of the meeting on June 6

2021 11 6 日下 November 6, 2021 Afternoon

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持:楚秋, 大学 Session Host: Chu Qiuyu, Hunan University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

16:20 -16:40


A study of the academic challenges faced by the Western students in Chinese universities

刘水云, 北京师范大学

Liu Shuiyun Beijing Normal University

16:40 -17:00


Adaptation and Enlightenment of Teachers'

Postmodern Curriculum Ideas under the Background of the Fourth Industrial Revolution

文建章, 广西师范大学

Wen Jianzhang Guangxi Normal University


基于 SPOC 混合教学模式下学生混合学习素养的培育

Cultivation of students' blended learning literacy

based on SPOC blended teaching model

李自莹, 中央民族大学

Li Ziying

Minzu University of China.


今日议闭幕总结 金宁,湖南

Day closing remarks Jin Ning, Hunan University

2021 11 7 日上 November 7, 2021 Morning

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持: Frank Okai Larbi,华南师大学 Session Host: Frank Okai Larbi, South China Normal University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

9:00 -9:20


Research on The Ethical Standards of Artificial Intelligence Applied in the Field of Education

姚真, 北京师范大学

Yao Zhen

Beijing Normal University

9:20 -9:40


The gendered nature of postgraduates’ study motivation

全薇, 伟德国际1949官方网站

Quan Wei, Hunan University

主持:李自,  民族大学 Session Host: Li Ziying, Minzu University of China.

9:40 -10:00


A review of blended learning on its development

trends and future developments

张玉凤, 伟德国际1949官方网站Zhang Yufeng, Hunan University

10:00 -10:20


Development and investigation and analysis of the evaluation index system for deep learning of college

students in a blended learning environment

楚秋玉, 伟德国际1949官方网站

Chu Qiuyu, Hunan University

10:20 -10:30

休息十分钟 Ten minutes break

主持 Javed Iqbal,广大学 Session Host: Javed Iqbal, Guangzhou University

10:30 -10:50

本为 K-12 学生教授人工智能( AI) 的互动书籍

An interactive book for teaching Artificial Intelligence (AI) to K-12 students

Ahmed Tlili


Beijing Normal Univeristy

10:50 -11:20


The Benefits and Impediments of Blended Learning in Chinese Academia: Administrators, Faculty

Members and Students’ Perspectives.

Frank Okai Larbi

华南师范大学South China Normal University

7 日上午会议未完续后表

Continuation of the meeting on the morning of July 7



7 日上 November 7, 2021 Morning

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持:张玉, 大学 Session Host: Zhang Yufeng, Hunan University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker

11:20 -11:40

基于 TAM 模型探究在线教学软件对高校教师的

杨美佳, 伟德国际1949官方网站


Yang Meijia, Hunan University

Investigate the influence of online teaching

software on the online teaching effects and its

continuous use among university teachers through

TAM model

11:40 -12:00

Coursera 对我国高等教育



Jin Ning, Hunan University

Coursera's Enlightenment to the Construction of

Educational Universal Learning Platform

12:00 -12:10

讨论环节 Discussion session

12:10 -13:50

午休 Lunch Break

2021 11 7 日下 November 7, 2021 Afternoon

会议 Presentation Sessions

主持: Samson M. Tsegay, 国安格利鲁斯金大学 Session Host: Samson M. Tsegay, Anglia Ruskin University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic

发言人 Speaker


通过重新语境化改变学习英语的活动: 从笔记本到计算机图形管理器

Transforming the Activity of Learning English

through Recontextualisation: from the Notebook to the Computer Graphic Organiser

Maria-Fernanda Puentes-



University of Roehampton, UK.

14:20 -14:40


The Government Sadiq College Women University, Pakistan

Shahnaz Perveen


The Government Sadiq College Women University, Pakistan

主持:姚, 北京范大学 Session Host: Yao Zhen, Beijing Normal University

14:40 -15:00

在巴基斯坦大学的高等教育层面实施虚拟教育系统 (VES) 以在大流行情况下竞争

Implementation of Virtual Education System (VES) at Higher Education level in the Universities of

Pakistan to compete in Pandemic Situation

Tahira Yasmeen


Beijing Normal University, China


创建批判性的 Paulo Freirean 远程学习空间:由于 COVID-19 快速转移到在线教学

Creating critical, Paulo Freirean distance learning spaces: Rapid transfer to online teaching due to


Greg William Misiaszek


Beijing Normal University

15:20 -15:30

休息十分钟 Ten minutes break

主持 傅冠, 大学 Session Host: Fu Guanhua, Hunan University

15:30 -15:50

生命性:高校混合学习的起点与基点Vitality: the starting point and basic point of blended learning in colleges and universities


Huang Guoqin, Hunan University

15:50 -16:10

游戏化作为培养全球公民和 21 世纪技能的机制:公民教育的游戏化

Gamification as a Mechanism for Developing Global Citizens and 21st Century Skills: the gamification of

citizenship education

Stephanie Hollings, 北京师范大学

Beijing Normal University

7 日会议未完续后表

Continued page of the meeting on June 7



7 日下 November 7, 2021 Afternoon

会议 Presentation Sessions


大学 Session Host: Yang Meijia,

Hunan University

北京时间 Beijing Time

发言主题 Topic



16:10 -16:30


Salomey Tardy Hackman & Stefan Reindl

香港教育大学, 北京师范大学

Beijing Normal University,

The Education University of Hong Kong


Challenging EdTech: Towards a More Inclusive,

Accessible, and Purposeful Version of EdTech

16:30 -16:50


In-service teachers’ perceptions of using blended learning in classrooms

Ashraf Muhammad Azeem


Hunan University

16:50 -17:00

休息十分钟 Ten minutes break

17:00 -17:20

讨论环节 Discussion session

17:20 -17:30

本次议闭幕总结 Ashraf Muhammad Azeem南大学

Closing summary of the meeting Hunan University


Contact Details

Ms. Jin Ning

Ashraf Muhammad Azeem (Associate Professor) Tel: +86-13043393256Jin Ning)

E-mail: azeem@hnu.edu.cn;jinning@hnu.edu.cn

上一条:伟德国际1949始于英国2021年校友奖学金评审通知 下一条:2021年伟德国际1949官方网站高等教育混合学习国际学术研讨会会议通知


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电话:0731-88822454 邮箱:jxtan@hnu.edu.cn 地址:长沙市岳麓区伟德国际1949始于英国